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DD-WRT: OpenVPN client + Wireguard server + DDNS

·3 mins
Networking Vpn Tunnel Ddwrt
Table of Contents

The Problem

As rising concern on the privacy issue recently, I started to use VPN service to protect my network. Setting up VPN client on top of the Wireguard server plus DDNS in DD-WRT hits lots of issues but didn’t find related article. After spending several hours digging into iptables and OpenVPN config, they are all working as expected.

Enable OpenVPN Client

There should be a setup guide of DD-WRT from the VPN service provider. In my case, I am using Mullvad so follow their guide and then the OpenVPN client should be working.

Settings should look like:

DD-WRT OpenVPN Client

VPN should work when you see an IP at the page Status > OpenVPN.

Setup Wireguard Server

Brief steps:

  1. Go to Setup > Tunnels.
  2. Enable tunnel and select Wireguard for Protocol Type.
  3. Enter IP Address other than the router IP, says
  4. Add Peer
  5. Enter the Peer Tunnel IP within the oet1 interface IP range, says
  6. Enter the Peer Tunnel DNS, which may be, or the router IP if you want to have local hostnames resolving.
  7. Enter allowed IPs as
  8. Click Save then the QR-Code button.
  9. Go to Services > Services > Dnsmasq, add interface=oet1 for Wireguard internet access.


  • Repeats step 4-8 to add more peers.
  • Enable Local DNS and disable No DNS Rebind in Dnsmasq if you want local hostname resolving.


Fix wireguard traffic

With VPN active, wireguard traffic always send to VPN interface which block wireguard outgoing traffic. To fix it, go to Administration > Commands.

Save Startup

ip rule add fwmark 1234 table 7

Save Firewall

wg set oet1 fwmark 1234
ip route add default via $(nvram get wan_gateway) table 7


  1. Add A+Dynamic DNS record at your DNS control panel.
  2. Setup DDNS on the router follow the guide provided by your DNS service provider.
Fix IP Check

With OpenVPN active, your external IP is always same with the VPN IP. Setting Use external IP check to No does not fix the update in my case. I fixed it by whitelisting the IP of DDNS server by adding line

route {IP of DDNS server} net_gateway

to OpenVPN client > Additional Config.

Port forwarding

Port forwarding faces the same routing issue as wireguard. Additional firewall rules are needed in order to make it works.

Save Startup

ip rule add fwmark 1 table 100

Save Firewall

ip route add default via $(nvram get wan_gateway) table 100

# For DD-WRT remote access with HTTPS.
# Change according to your netmask.
iptables -t mangle -I OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 443 -d ! -j MARK --set-mark 1

# Define a CHAIN to exclude the traffic from LAN and Wireguard.
# Finally, MARK with fwmark 1.
# Remark:
# Change and according to the settings of LAN
# and Wireguard respectively.
iptables -t mangle -N BYPASS_VPN
iptables -t mangle -A BYPASS_VPN -p tcp -d -j RETURN
iptables -t mangle -A BYPASS_VPN -p tcp -d -j RETURN
iptables -t mangle -A BYPASS_VPN -p tcp -j MARK --set-mark 1

# Port forwarding for SSH.
# For example, marks the traffic to to bypass VPN.
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s --sport 22 -j BYPASS_VPN


Actually I met numerous issues when setting up the OpenVPN client. I would suggest to reset the router to factory default before getting start.